True Divine Revelation Of The Agonies Of Tormented, Doomed Souls In Eternal Burning Hell!!

Now, we are going to read the true testimonies of Rachael Mushala and Zipporah Mushala.
True Testimony Of The Reality Of Hell And The Inevitable Glorious Rapture
By Zipporah Mushala
Zipporah Mushala
How I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ
Praise be to Christ the King for this great opportunity to share with you my spiritual experiences. Firstly I would like to share a brief background of how I came to know the Lord. Being at a boarding school from 8th to 12th grade made me have a great chance of rebelling against everything my parents had taught me was the right thing for a Christian to do. I lived a double life and hated church and anything to do with God generally. If someone told me anything about God, I would roll my eyes in displeasure.
On August 31 2011, I suddenly started feeling strange. That night, my supper was tasteless and I felt like I was going to die. I could literally feel spirits following me but at that time, I did not realize that they were demons. After supper, I went and lay on my bed which was unusual for me to do at that time as I was a TV addict. I then started going through the section in the news paper where people write in memory of their loved ones which was also unusual for me to do. For some reason that I didn’t know, I started pitying the late people. Maybe it was because I would join them that very night.
Even though my sister Rachael also lived a double life, she was more spiritual than I and so she told me that we should pray before going to bed but I told her, “Just what is the point in praying anyway?” We ended up praying but I did so with a half -heart. That night, I dreamt I was in a certain place with a lot of other girls. We were all wearing dark blue gowns and some men were tying ropes against our waists. I didn’t want to be part of what seemed like an initiation into Satanism and so I started crying and one of the men scolded me in my mother tongue, Lozi.
Suddenly, I woke up and I could feel a terrible pain around my waist where the rope had been in the dream. It was so horrible, I wanted to wake my sister up but I just stared at her and said nothing. My heart was stopping to beat slowly and I felt weak. I knew I was going to die. When you are about to die you just know it. I also suddenly knew I was going to hell. No one had to tell me that. I saw a pitch dark pit which looked endless with flames at the bottom. At that moment, I was so weak but all I could think of was, “Lord save me.” I managed to whisper it and I suddenly regained my strength. At that moment, my sister woke up and told me a voice had woken her up that I was under satanic attack. She then prayed for me and the pain miraculously disappeared.
My holiday experience drove me to start reading the Bible at school but one of my close friends and roommate would discourage me and say. “So you think you are now a real Christian, you are just wasting your time because both you and I are going to hell!” In November , I read the testimony of Angelica Zambrano and I heard a voice telling me that her testimony was true even before I read it. I then allowed the Lord to change me and I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on 2nd December 2011. From then on, the Lord has been giving me messages.
“Blessed is he that hears and acts positively towards the words in this testimony,” The LORD JESUS.
The Glorious Rapture
Raptured Saints
I also saw people going up in the rapture. I noticed that they were all wearing pure white garments and had the words, “JESUS FREAK” written on their foreheads. The Lord said, “They call those who want to serve me in truth, spirit and holiness “Jesus freaks.” Tell them that only those Jesus freaks are going up in the rapture when I come.  People will be shocked that I came. They will say, “We did not think he would come so soon.”
Resurrection & Rapture Day
During prayers at church one day, I saw a mob of demons exiting hell for earth. They told me, “We are going to stop the rapture.” I told them, “You can’t stop the rapture” and then they replied, “Then we are going to stop people from going in the rapture.” With that, they made for a certain street and started hugging people from behind. If the person’s name was John, the demon would also have the name John written on its forehead. This meant that the demon was assigned to this particular person. The demons began to whisper to the people they held captive, there is no “God, there is no rapture, and Just enjoy the world a little bit.” After saying this, the demon would withdraw from the person and laugh secretly with its hand over its mouth. One of the deceived people then began shouting loudly, “There is no God!”
Some months ago as I, Zipporah prayed, The Lord showed me a section of hell. The place was very dark and full of flames.  I then saw the people in this section of hell — all of them were naked and hung on crosses.  They all hung upside down, and demons were all around, inflicting all sorts of torture and torments on them. Everyone I saw here was in agony.
People Will Repent
I saw a group of youth walking in the tunnel to hell. They were singing one popular song in one accord. They also stubbornly said it that they loved the fact that they were going to hell. Suddenly, most of them turned back and started looking for something in desperation. I asked them what they were doing and one of them said, “We are hungry and thirsty for the Lord.” The place they were looking in seemed dry and barren but they were finding green pastures (Isaiah 49:9). The Lord told me, “The world is barren in My Word, but there are a few green pastures.”
Vital Warning to Jehovah’s Witnesses From Lord Jesus Christ
WatchTower (7)
“They have gone out into the world and call themselves My witnesses. They witness nothing about Me. They teach anti-Christ doctrines like, that there is no hell. This way, they make people relax in their sins. Their teachings are against everything I taught. I said there is hell, they say there is no hell. I said, the grave is not the end of a person’s life, they say the grave is the end. I said I will come again, they say I will not come again. I said in My word that I will pour out My Spirit in the last days but they say that spiritual gifts do not exist anymore. They also deny My Holy Spirit and say that is not a Person but just a force. They are clearly against Me. How they like to use human knowledge to explain My Word instead of being led by the Holy Spirit! They are spiritually sleeping. Tell them that not one member of that church will enter My holy kingdom. Not even one! They had better amend their ways and give up their doctrines.”
Jesus Christ Is The Only Way To Heaven

God's Word Is The Bible
Jesus was telling me so many things that were heavy in the sense that they were sensitive and would receive much opposition. I was worried and thinking, “How on earth am I going to say all this?” He could read my thoughts and he looked at me with a smile on his face. He suddenly gave me a hug and I felt like electricity was passing through my body. I was also filled with a joy that made my heart dance. I felt really strong inside and he said, “There do you feel better now?”  I nodded and gave him a smile. He said, “I wish the situation was better right now, as in that of heaven instead of hell. We cannot however ignore the case of those who are being deceived. However, I think you and your sister (Rachael) need a break from hell. I am going to show you the glories of heaven soon. Just do not remain silent, but tell the world My messages, so that their blood does not remain on your head. You are My watchman. The Lord had  given Rachael and I Ezekiel 33:6. It  says, But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not  blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood. (NIV).
A Trash Can
Falling Into Hell

Lost Souls Falling Into Hell
The Lord pointed at something and said, “Do you see that? What do you think it is?” I saw something being spilled into a dark pit. It looked like a waterfall or sand. I answered, “Sand?” He brought the view closer, and I could see that it was not sand at all, but countless human beings falling into a pit! He said, “This place is a trash can, the tares are gathered and burnt in here.” These people were from every race, tribe and language, the young and the old. There were Mongoloids, Eskimos, Masais, Buddhists, Hindus, spiritualists, prostitutes, the blind, mothers, fathers and children. The list is endless. Yes, even children, when they know what is wrong and right, must choose their destination. They were all falling into hell in different positions. Some were falling shoulder first, stomach first, head first, back first, hand first etc. at the speed of light. Some were clothed, some were not.
The Lord said with pain in His voice, “They are living on earth, ignoring Me like I don’t exist. Especially in these secular movies, they create a scenario where the people have a ‘perfect life’ chasing their own pleasure, building their relationships and having their dream jobs with totally nothing to do with Me. It is unfortunate for them, because they have terribly deceived themselves. They do not think so, but they desperately need Me to save them. In just a snap of a finger, they may be dead and they will find themselves in this horrendous place. They have to repent; they just have to if they want to be saved, because I can never receive them into my kingdom when they are dead. They did not want to associate themselves with Me in life and they will surely not associate with Me in death. People who watch these movies also end up behaving the same. Come back to Me now before the door is closed.” He said this part with urgency in His voice.
Dropping Into Hell
He put His hand on my shoulder and said, come and see this. There were cauldrons with boiling lava and people in them! The flesh of these people was being washed away from their bones by it. One man in a cauldron upon seeing Jesus began unleashing insults on Him. He said, “I will get you yet, God!” and some other horrible things I would rather not repeat. When the man insulted Jesus, I felt like a knife had been driven through my heart and I told him, “If there is anyone you want to blame, it is yourself and the demons that deceived you into this place. Your own sinful pleasures have landed you here!” But the Lord told me, “Don’t mind them, they belong to their father, the devil.” The Lord just looked at him sadly and said, “In life you insulted Me. You thought and said you did not need Me, and even in death, you continue to insult Me and are not repentant.” A fat, ugly demon with dirty, green saliva dripping from its mouth then came and drowned him in the lava. Then the Lord told me, “When the people in this place ask for my mercy and say they have repented, it is not because they are sorry for their sins but because they are in pain. They are all just like this man.”
He continued, “This is the result for all those who did not want to have anything to do with Me in life. This is not all but just one of the least punishments. From here, these people will be transferred to other sections for punishment. These people thought, ‘What a fulfilled life I have. I have all the money, happiness and just what else can I need?’ I sent my people to them, but they refused to listen, and some of them even said, ‘God is for the poor and hopeless that need to be comforted.’ They did not know that it was demons that were whispering to them.” Some people in this section are also those who were racist or used foul language on earth. I saw no limit of torture in hell. Demons did as they pleased, and they did it with zeal and delight. When new people landed, they felt a new surge of energy. They would walk about majestically with pride. I also want you to know that demons never get tired of torturing these people. The Lord also disapproved of dirty jokes, either saying or listening to them.
Those Who Were Sophisticated
I saw something that looked like a hut, but this ‘hut’ was in flames. There were men and women inside and they were walking about. The fire did not fill up the whole room, but was just at the walls, and so the people were not burning but just feeling the intense heat. I also noticed that they were dragging their feet and were laboring to walk as if in pain. They were in constant fear of being burnt ‘alive’ in the building from the fire. Some were saying, “Call the fire brigade we are all going to burn in here!” These people also had wine glasses with what they thought was wine. However, I noticed there were also snakes inside the glasses. The people would ravenously drink what they thought was wine as if a magnetic force was pulling the glasses to their mouths. The snakes had sharp pointed teeth in their mouths and would get a good bite at the people’s throats and they would scream horribly. However, when their wine reappeared, as it continuously did, they could not stop themselves from drinking it.
Drunk in hell
These people also had black ghostly eyes and scratched bloody faces. I particularly noticed one woman. When she drank, she immediately fell down, her throat bursting open and a black liquid gushed out. The ‘wine’ was in real sense acid. Jesus said, “Do you know why these people are in an excluded place for themselves? It is because they thought they were sophisticated and knowledgeable about the things of the world. They liked to be set apart and thought they were far above everyone. In hell, they are also set apart. In so doing however, these people treated other people as trash, developed pride and looked down on the less privileged. People in hell also experience a deep overwhelming loneliness. They also remember their earthly lives and just how simple it would have been to do the right thing.”
Levy Mwanawasa In Hell!
Levy Mwanawasa               Levy Mwanawasa (September 3, 1948- August 19, 2008)
The Lord also showed me a vision of the late Zambian President, Levy Mwanawasa in hell.  We don’t know much about his spiritual life here on earth, except that he was a Jehovah’s Witness. When I saw him in hell, he was in so much torment and covered in the flames. Since I did not have any negative opinion of him when he was president, I was not expecting to see him there.  But hell is such a horrible place, that I would not even wish to see my enemies there. It is more frightening than any place you can imagine, and it gave me no pleasure to see him in agony like that.  In fact, I was heartbroken after that vision, because of the way I saw the late president suffering. It really made me sad.
It is not my intention to hurt his surviving family members, friends, or anyone. I am simply sharing what the Lord Jesus revealed to me in a vision, which shows that once you die, it doesn’t matter who you were on earth — president or pauper.  The only thing that matters is whether you repented and lived for Christ (Mark 1:14-15; 2 Corinthians 5:15).
A Hindu Idolater In Hell!
I was also shown a section in hell where there was a Hindu man, and the demons were forcing him to bow to the images of the idols he worshiped while on earth.  They would mock him and force him to bow.  Jesus emphasized to us that He is the only way to salvation and there is no other way (John 14:6).
Confession and salvation
The Lord also revealed to my sister Rachael and I that sometimes demons come to earth physically disguised as humans!  Jesus also explained to us that sometimes when they want to come physically, they would disguise themselves in any other forms, as well, including animals or insects.  This is only done to fulfill a particular satanic mission that the devil sends them on that requires their physical presence.
The Lord told us that when we pray, sometimes Satan sends his demons to monitor and listen to our prayers, so he will know where to direct his attack. But the Lord assured us of his protection.  He said, “Just pray in truth and in spirit, because I am the God who gives them deafness and blindness; they will have no access to your prayers.”
One morning when my sister and I woke up, the Lord told us we had to pray. We had just gotten up and not even eaten breakfast yet.  When we began to pray, the Lord Jesus told us to pray for mercy for the world, for the salvation of everyone we know.  We prayed from 9 am to about 3pm, and were very exhausted, but the Lord wouldn’t let us stop. He said, “You have to take this seriously. Do not summarize your prayers.  Pray for everyone you know individually — even people you just see on TV — pray for them.  Many people are going to hell; they are going to eternal damnation!”
We continued praying, and Satan and his demons would tempt us to stop and just give up, because we were being made to fast when we hadn’t planned to do it on that day.  The Lord gave us strength, and as we continued praying, the Lord showed us hundreds and hundreds of people escaping hell.  These are not people who were already in hell, but rather people who are still alive on earth, and were on the road to hell.  And we heard hell — not the people in hell, but hell itself. The Lord told us that hell is a living organism. Hell was screaming in anger that so many people were escaping it.
Jesus told us we had to continue praying, and He made us pray until 3:00 in the morning, which was when we went to bed, exhausted. He told us He wants Christians to learn to be strong in prayer and take intercession for the lost seriously. The Lord gave my sister and I this promise: He said, “I am going to use you mightily, you will pray for the sick and they will get healed, you will raise the dead, and you will even do more than raise the dead! Just pray diligently. I want you to pray more.”
The very next day, a sister from church came home to visit with her one-year old baby, Elijah. The sister was in the living room with my mom. My sister and I got her baby and were playing with him.  When I looked at the child, God told me he was born with bronchitis and that we should pray for him.  I asked my sister Rachael if God had told her anything about baby Elijah, and she said God told her he had bronchitis from the day he was born!  This confirmed what God had told me.  So we asked his mom, and she confirmed that the child was indeed sick with difficulties in breathing, and many nights could hardly sleep.  We prayed for the child and he was instantly healed! When God told us the baby had been healed, my sister and I heard the angels in heaven rejoicing! It was so beautiful! So we said, “Jesus we want to hear the angels again,” and immediately we could hear them rejoicing and singing!  The baby has been 100% healed until now.
Dear child of God, if you are reading this and still doubt God’s power, I just want you to know that His promise of those who believe in him doing miracles and praying for the sick still stands.  It is still so real, even today.  The Lord told us that He is looking for vessels to use in these last days to perform great miracles like the Apostles did. Will you be His vessel?
He uses what is HIS, He can’t use you if you still belong to Satan, dedicate yourself to Him and He will use you no matter who you are.  Come to Jesus, repent of your sins and desire to live deeply in Him each day, you will discover it is the best decision you can ever make.
Those in Hell for Being Artificial
There was a white woman in hell. Even though the Lord had blessed her with long hair, she went and extended it. This woman was naked and in serious flames that looked like liquid fire. All she would do was scream, scream and scream. Her hands were lifted up and she said, “I am here because I used extensions.”
I saw another section of hell for those who change God’s image. Hell was pitch dark as usual and I only saw what I saw because it was the Lord’s will. It must be understood that hell is a spiritual place and not physical so fire and darkness can exist at once there. This section of hell was rocky and there was no one in sight except for three demons in form of fearsome looking dragons. They were flying all over the place, flapping their huge wings, and screaming, “Uuh, uuh, uuh!” in attempt of making the place more lonesome.
Flying Dragon (2)
The place was fiercely hot and the people were in small pits in the rocks. The pits were just large enough to occupy them and they found difficulty moving either to the right or left. Their skin would fall off like it was made of plastic and their bones would be exposed. Then the process would then start all over again. These people were also continuously suffocating from the smoke of the intense fire and the stench of their own rotting flesh. They knew there were other people in that section but they were only worried about themselves and their families back on earth. Liquid fire would spout continuously from these pits and there were groans from all over the place.
Lake Of Fire
The Lord Jesus allowed me to hear the thoughts of one woman there. Her hands were clasped together and worms were pushing their way up between her fingers.  She was looking up to heaven with a frown on her face. She was thinking, “Lord, is my daughter being taken care of on earth? How I wish someone would tell her not put all those artificial things I made her to be doing.” I understood that she meant artificial hair, painted nails etc. Please come back to the Lord and be proud of how he made you. The devil will entice you to sin on this earth but will laugh at you in hell and call you a fool. There is no chance of ever getting out of hell. Suddenly, one of the flying dragons pulled one woman out of her pit by her throat with its mouth. Though these dragons were huge, their mouths were pointed so its mouth could fit in the pit.  I noticed that she had lipstick on. The dragon told her in a rough voice, “You fool! You loved the things of the world!”
Flying Dragon (4)
You Cannot Be Artificial and Holy at the Same Time
I saw a girl in fervent prayer. She was kneeling down in her room with a Bible in her hand. She was praying with fire. However, I noticed that she had on a short skirt, artificial hair, eye shadow, painted nails, tweezed eyebrows with eyebrow pencil on them, lipstick and heavy jewelry (i.e., neck chain and earrings). I have listed these things because the Lord instructed me to do so.  There were also two demons with her in the room. One of them sat on her stuff making itself comfortable but the other remained standing. They were looking at her with mocking smiles and glee. The demon sitting down had a book full of names in its hand. These were the names of those on their way to hell. Glancing at her, it wrote her name down in the book.
Book of hell
The demon standing pointed its finger at her saying, “You are lukewarm and God is going to spill you in hell.” She could not see or hear any of this but only the Lord and I (See 1Timothy 2:9- 10 and 1 Peter 3:3). The Bible also says that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God in Luke 16: 15.The Lord Jesus said, “They even want to expand parts of their bodies. They get boob jobs, lip jobs, add eyelashes on top of the ‘not so good ones’ which I made’ and add nails etc. They are shameful.”
You Are Easy Prey for Demons When You Are Artificial

I had a dream. I was about to go into a shop when a girl of about nine came up to me.  She just stared at me and said nothing. I saw demons in her in the spirit and before I knew it, the Holy Spirit took control of me and I began casting them out. The girl shut her eyes in an attempt not to look at me but after sometime, the demons were cast out. I stared hard at her to see if there were still any demons but I could not discern anything. It was not until I put my hand on her chest that I discerned that she had been delivered. The Lord brought to my attention her artificial hair that it would attract even more demons to enter her though she had been delivered. This can be found in Luke 11: 24-26.
One day, I was evangelizing and I was wondering which verse I could use to show that artificial hair was sinful when suddenly, I saw a vision with the scripture 1 Corinthians 11:15 on it. It says that God gave a woman her hair as a covering.
Warning to Those Who Love Walking Naked and to the Dancers
The Lord Jesus personally gave me the above sub-title. The Lord said, “It is a disgusting sight when I see women, even young adolescents making cleavages. They just love to expose their bodies. They are possessed with the spirit of nakedness. They just can’t dress up but they have to expose their legs in short skirts and bodies in trousers and tight clothes. Tell them to repent, because if they don’t they will go to the centre of hell where there is the horror of horrors, as they have heard this warning. Tell them to respect My temple because they did not create themselves but I the Lord of Lords did!” He screamed this in anger with a clenched fist and tears trickling down his holy white garments.
Lake Of Fire & Sulfur
“The devil has not only possessed women but the men too. They wear a pair of trousers and drag it down and they think it is cool (Sagging). The men plait their hair and also make all sorts of lines in their heads with shaving machines when they shave it (shades in the hair). Their portion is the section with pits in hell if they do not repent. However if they hear this warning and do not repent, they will regret the day they were born in the centre of hell. That is not enough; they bounce about like balls with pride. The women also develop pride because of their clothes and treat others like dirt. These days, most people no longer even go to church to worship but to interact, show off their clothes and find what they like to call ‘love’ from those of the opposite sex. Tell them I am waiting for them to repent with real undying love and I will never turn them away.”
To the dancers and those who sing or listen to non gospel music or gospel rap, rock, reggae or any other worldly beat. “The devil is timing you. He is giving you spiritual sleeping pills.” I saw a music concert and everyone there was covered by one big hand –the hand of Satan. It left a whitish jelly-like liquid on top of their heads. The Lord Jesus said, “The stuff he leaves on their heads makes worldly songs irresistible to them and they just can’t get enough. He hopes to catch them in their slumber and throw them to hell.”
Concert Show
The Lord said, “Many will hate you for this testimony but remember that God’s people were never loved from ages past because they always spoke the truth. I will be with you and will love you more than they can ever love you. They will call you many names and even say you have run mad and that you are an extremist. They will even use scriptures to discredit your testimony but don’t worry; Satan also has his own agents. Do not say anything in defense but remain silent.”
Those Who Live a Double Life
“They love to praise me with their lips but their hearts are far away from me. They say they are Christians but want to live a double life. They read testimonies about how I want holiness of the outward and inner man yet they do not want to obey. They love to listen to those who comfort them that they are not sinning and they comfort themselves that they are not the only ones doing what they do. Tell them that in hell it is each man for himself. They use My temple to do right and wrong. As it is now in their state, they do not belong to me but to My enemy. Their punishment will be far worse. Tell them to repent. I the Lord love them, and it is not My desire that they should go to hell. I do not force Myself on anyone.  Let them not obey Me if they do not want to because I want obedience from the heart. I do not take pleasure in those who serve Me with undecided hearts. I would rather have one person serving Me in truth and spirit than the whole world serving Me with undecided hearts.”
Those Who Love to Talk Carelessly
Those who love to speak without care, love or consideration. “They cut others with their words. They have led many to commit suicide and give up on life or abandon their faith. They make others unhappy. They also speak negative words against me, My holy angels, Christianity, and My holy people. The most horrible kind of worms will bore their tongues and demons will give them the worst kind of torture. Come back to Me. They also use frustration as an excuse to say all kinds of negative things against Me. They say, “God has failed me!” “God doesn’t care!” among other things when the Bible says God cares and He can never fail you. Sometimes, they are just not patient for God to do what they ask or their lives are not right. Tell them to be careful. I am not mortal as they are. They also speak lies and call them ‘little lies’ and normal. Their ‘normal’ and ‘little lies’ have a big punishment.” The Lord also said, “Do not keep grudges or hate each other. How can you expect Me to forgive you if you do not forgive others?”
Worms in hell
A Man of God In Hell!
In hell, I saw a man in flames. Numerous worms were crawling all over him. He was sort of drowning in the flames, as he would stand up and fall on his knees again. The Lord was holding my hand as hell is so horrifying. I recognized the man and screamed in horror at his identity as I had thought he was in heaven. I loved this man when he was on earth and believed with all my heart that he was in heaven. I had always imagined him in green gardens and never in flames.
Mark Woodman                                                                Mark Woodman
The man is Mark Woodman. He was a staunch “Seventh Day Adventist” and did a lot in exposing the kingdom of darkness. I told the Lord, “This man can’t be here because he was a good man. What is he doing here?” I asked him in tears. The Lord said, “My child, cursed is he that obeys the law as they insist on pleasing Me through works and deny what I did for them on the cross.”
Burning soul in hell
The Scripture says:  “For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.’ Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because ‘the righteous will live by faith.’” (Galatians 3:10-11).
Please allow me to clarify what the Lord told me about the reason why Mark is in hell.  The laws of the Old Testament that forbid eating certain foods and drinks, as well as the ceremonial laws like circumcision, were never given to us in the New Testament. We are free from those, and we who are in Christ do not rely upon them for our justification.  But God does tell us in the New Testament that he requires holiness outwardly and inwardly. These requirements are not ceremonial laws or rituals, but commandments. Please do not confuse Mark’s error with the Scriptural requirement.  It is an error to rely on the works of the Law for justification, but we do need to obey God’s commandments and requirements for holiness.
When I saw him there, my world came crumbling down as I had always admired his zeal for God’s work.  My elder brother had a collection of his DVDs, and although I was not an Adventist, I had watched his videos in 2011.  At that time, I did not know that he had passed on in 2010, and I assumed he was still alive. That is why I always looked up to him in his videos.  It was not until I watched his goodbye videos that I learned he was late.
I asked the Lord why he kept giving me revelations of famous people in hell as they were so hard to deliver and received many criticisms and He told me, “It is because I have given you the courage to do so.” May the Lord have mercy on us all.
Dolls, Cartoons and Secular TV
Teddy Bear
I saw a baby pram (stroller) with a lot of teddy bears. There were demons inside them. These demons were happy and mocking humans. They were saying, “Look just how easy it is for us to have access to human beings. The baby who will have this pram will be our toy.” And they all laughed loudly giving each other a high-five. The Lord also let me hear George in the cartoon Curious George. He was talking sweetly and innocently in the cartoon but would laugh loudly and sarcastically in the back ground at the people he was deceiving. The Lord has several times warned against secular TV. He said that even if one was watching Christian TV, they should ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit as the devil is a deceiver. “You may not even be aware, but when you watch secular TV, your souls is in the hands of demons, and they do as they wish.” The Lord also showed me that some demons are also turned into clothes. They may look like normal clothes in the physical, but are something else in the spirit.
However, we should not be intimidated that demons have polluted so many things. We should just pray and they will be purified as God has got power over the devil.  Just pray.  Jesus also forbade the buying of clothes with evil  drawings (e.g., drawings of skulls, skeletons, evil cartoons,  etc.).  He also forbade clothes with seductive or any other unholy drawings. The Lord also revealed that sometimes, a substance to make people resist fasting is put in food.
They Classified it as Not Sin and Were Greedy with their Money and Possessions

I was praying recently and I saw a demon stark naked walking on one of the corridors in hell. It had the characteristics of a male and female at the same time. It was ugly and horrifying to look at. On one side of the corridor were cells. There were a lot of people covered with flames and worms in the cells. They were all rushing and stepping on each other in an attempt to escape the cells. They all wanted to come to the front. These people had the number 666 embedded in their foreheads with something that looked like a tough metal.
Doomed Soul
This metal went way inside their heads until the back. Worms and snakes would unwrap from the metal and fall inside their skulls. They would scream horribly “ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” in torture, falling down. The demon took pleasure in their torments and laughed loudly, with some human flesh in its mouth.  It then got a thick metal poll and began crushing one man’s head. The Lord said, “These are those who did not want to help those in need even when they were capable. They were greedy with their possessions and so demons will be greedy with their flesh.” He continued, “They also convinced themselves while knowing the truth in their hearts that some things were not sin. For example, they classified trousers as not sinful for women, because they cared more about pleasing the world and themselves than they did about pleasing Me. They repeatedly committed ‘little sins’ but no sin is little. I will not favour anyone.”
Burning souls in hell
Those Who Bowed Down to Lucifer

Hell is a reality
Those willingly who serve Satan on earth. Some will be thrown from a high cliff into boiling lava. I saw a demon dragging a woman to a cliff. As he dragged her, tiny insects whose sting was like fire infested her legs and were climbing all over her. She was in so much pain that she looked lifeless and made no resistance to the insects.
Insects Of Torment In Hell
The huge, muscular demon threw her over the cliff with one hand like a rag. A huge snake with thorns in its mouth was waiting for her down the cliff in the lava. It would not burn. Before she could even reach down, it swallowed her and she passed through the body of the snake till she came out at the end. Her flesh could barely be seen. Only bones stood. Before she could even take a breath, the seething lava carried her into a tunnel and I saw no more of her.
Those Who Make up Their Own Teachings and Do Not Believe in the Afterlife
“These stubbornly adhered to their own teachings contrary to the Bible. They used science and reason to dispute the existence of God and the afterlife mostly to comfort them. Most of them knew in their hearts that they believed a lie.” I saw a lot of people on their marks as if ready for a race. At the end was one apple tree with no fruits. There was only one apple at the foot of the tree. At a demon’s whistle, they all ran at top speed for the one fruit even hurting each other in the process. When they reached the destination however, there was nothing but huge wheels, which started spinning at top speed with the people on them. Heads were being cut off and bodiless heads were just bouncing all over the place screaming “Nooo nooo nooo!” One demon holding a huge garden fork was standing by watching and it gave a soft laughter. It crossed its legs while turning an ‘apple’ round and round in its hand and said, “Humans, so easy to deceive.” The Lord also said that on the gate of hell, the words “Welcome To Hell” are written because in his word, it is written, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. He said it is because you are being welcomed to the place you were seeking on earth.
The Devil on his Throne
Satan In Hell
I also saw the Devil on his throne with demons around him in imitation of the Lord Jesus and his angels. The throne area was filled with a horrible stench. I also saw an altar. A man was brought in and burned on the altar and the Devil and his demons would inhale the smell as if it was a pleasant aroma. This man was not dying. A demon then dug its teeth into the contents of his stomach, and he convulsed in shocking pain. I have never seen such a reaction. The demons would also make animal-like sounds.
Dancing souls in hell
Demons also make human beings who danced to unholy songs dance fervently in hell against their wish.  The demons would whip them with a rod, which had leather straps and sharp hooked metals at the end. They also felt the heat and pain a hundred times more than they did on earth. The fire and torture was also intense. It was a hundred times more than that on earth. You do not want to be in such a situation and neither do you want that for your brother, wife, mother or anyone you love.  Please repent and warn them too. The pleasures of this earth are not worth eternal torture. The devil gives you nothing for so much.
Advice From Jesus Christ To Those With Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
“Do not have vain glory. The power you use is not yours but Mine. Don’t also think of yourselves as better off than others, and don’t think you know it all. If you do that, you are leaving a loophole for the devil. Do not also think that just because am using you, you have exceptions from My word or that I will give you more chances to repent than anyone else. No, that is deceit from the unholy one. Do not also make up messages just to get yourself some attention; it will take you to hell. To the world, do not despise those I use. If they are in the wrong, just pray for them but do not ever utter a word against them as the scripture says, ‘Touch not the anointed and do my Prophets no harm.’ I, the Lord, will deal with them.”
A Dark Meeting
I saw a meeting of demons. They were all wearing black gowns with hoods. Some of them had bony fingers with claws. They were of all kinds. They were talking and one of them who seemed to be of a high rank said, “What is the fastest and most effective method of deceiving human beings, because as you can see, the Holy One is about to return. We must prevent Christians from going with Him. We must! We cannot burn alone! No!” At this point, he was standing and hit the table roughly. They all started giving suggestions. Some were suggesting that they should upgrade the contents of secular TV, and worldly songs, as they were one of the best weapons, as humans imitated what they saw or heard, especially from famous people. They also suggested making more and more captivating Soap Operas to make people forget about God, and live their lives in these. They talked about many things including making indecent clothes seem innocent and fancy.
The same demon, whose name the Lord revealed to me as Peruza, requested for a book from another demon, which had just joined the meeting as it was straight from earth. The book had a lot of names in it. These were the names of those who were walking to hell, because of the life they were leading. Peruza started going through the names. The one’s whose names were glittering were those who were finding Christ. They were quite a number of them, and he got really furious. He said, “Who is assigned to bring these particular people to hell?” They all shook in fear but made no response. That was, however, quickly sorted out by the devil that walked in upon hearing the case and the particular demons were taken for punishment. New demons stronger than the previous were then assigned to bring these people down, but there were strong muscular angels with swords guarding them day and night, and they could not succeed. Praise be to the King of kings!
A Mighty Army
Spiritual Armor
Suddenly, the Lord became joyful as if filled with a new hope. I was wondering, am I missing out on something? He said, “My heart is filled with gladness and I rejoice. The Father has looked upon the earth and is and will raise up a mighty army. Rejoice with Me at this news that makes Me want to burst. I laughed with the Lord loudly, and we made joyful screams while demons looked on with hateful stares. I saw people abandon kneeling down to statues and really seek God in spirit. Their eyes were opened and they knew the Lord. Women got rid of their artificial looks and indecent clothes, and cried out to God with all their hearts with bitterness and repentance. Young boys of about ten were preaching the Word, telling people to turn from their wicked ways. I saw the youth abandon their partying and lock themselves in their prayer closets. The Lord said, “Yes child, all this and more is what makes My heart glad. I will raise up a mighty army. Go and tell your testimony and you will see the wonders of God.”
I also saw a tall angel with a big sieve in his hands. I saw the whole world on that sieve. The Lord said, “My children are mixed with those of the world, and they have to be separated. That is what the angel is doing. Peace be with you all, I am never gone, but always with you in your daily lives.”
Ending Remarks
To whomever will read this: Please heed the Lord’s plea today as you only have a chance here on earth. The devil so desperately wants your soul and has planted demons to bring you down. Ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and you will be saved.  Jesus told me to tell you that He loves you more than you can ever imagine. May the Prince of Peace bless you.
Zipporah Mushala
[End of Testimony.] THANK YOU JESUS


  1. This was so eye opening. It’s a shame others are not reading your blog. God bless you. I hope to see you in heaven.

  2. Glory to God almight JESUS CHRIST IS THE kung of Kings

  3. Jesus Christ my savoir, thanks for your love to reveal to me.such.rebelation,help me To go to Heaven

  4. This testimony is a demonic lie out of hell

    1. It is not, K. It is the truth. Go to God in prayer with humility and ask for confirmation. The Lord will reveal to you whether its fake, or not.
